Wed, 15 April 2009
23.1Mb. 128kbps stereo 24:31mins (Espanol)
Jorge Jimenez, diputado electo a la Asamblea Nacional de El Salvador esta encargado con la reforma electoral, para prevenir elecciones futuras intentados de fraude, y para incrementar la transparencia del proceso democratico. Tambien habla de los problemas anticipado, y la trayectoria del FMLN despues 1ero de Junio. Aclara la posicion del FMLN sobre gestiones tan importantes como la impunidad (La ley de Amnistia) y justicia para las victimas de la violaciones de sus derechos humanos. (Jorge Jimenez is one of the newly elected representatives of the FMLN to the Legislative Assembly, and has been given the responsibility for Electoral Reform - much needed after the attempts by the governing party to alter the results reflecting the popular will. He outlines measures to make the electoral process, and democratic processes more transparent. He also takes time to indicate some of the problems the new government will be encountering, the direction the FMLN is likely to take, and the position of the party on important issues like 'impunity' for human rights abuses that have occurred in the past, stressing the importance of justice and compensation for the victims over the need to punish the perpetrators.) |
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