Fri, 27 November 2009
5.2 Mb. 96kbps. stereo 6 minutes 25seconds
Bertha Caceres human rights activist in Tegucigalpa, talks at a forum on the Honduran people's desire for a Constituent Assembly for Constitutional change - the very issue that triggered the coup four months ago. Elections promoted by the coup regime are due in a few days, and most of the people intend to boycott them, along with most of the international community. The forum was recorded by Julie Webb (of Scoop magazine) and translated by Graeme Russel, Human Rights lawyer and coordinator of Rights Action, which has organised delegations to Honduras. |
Fri, 27 November 2009
Interview 3.
Osman Lopez 1.5Mb 96kbps stereo 2 minutes 12 seconds Julie Webb in Tegucigalpa interviewing participants in protests against the coup regime - protests that have been continuing now for close to four months. With staged elections boycotted by the protesting Honduran people, tensions are mounting. Julie asks why. The answer? Maria's parents were victims of a similar 'coup d'etat' in Bolivia, against the current President, Evo Morales. Julie Webb esta en Tegucigalpa, capital de Honduras donde hay protestas por cientos de milles de Hondurenos en contra del regimen golpista. El pueblo quieren boicotear las elecciones por su illegitimidad, y la represion y indicios de fraude en Noviembre 29. Julie pregunta - el como, y el porque de Osman Lopez,de su presencia en las manifestaciones en contra de los golpistas. |
Thu, 26 November 2009
Interview 3.
Maria Lopez 4Mb 96kbps stereo 4 minutes 55 seconds Julie Webb in Tegucigalpa interviewing participants in protests against the coup regime - protests that have been continuing now for close to four months. With staged elections boycotted by the protesting Honduran people, tensions are mounting. Julie asks why. The answer? Maria's parents were victims of a similar 'coup d'etat' in Bolivia, against the current President, Evo Morales. Julie Webb esta en Tegucigalpa, capital de Honduras donde hay protestas por cientos de milles de Hondurenos en contra del regimen golpista. El pueblo quieren boicotear las elecciones por su illegitimidad, y la represion y indicios de fraude en Noviembre 29. Julie pregunta - el como, y el porque de Maria Lopez, cuyos padres fueron victimas de un intentado golpe de estado contra Evo Morales, en Bolivia. |
Thu, 26 November 2009
1.4Mb 96kbps. Stereo 2mins.
Second Interview: Sara Simone Lara Julie Webb in Tegucigalpa interviewing participants in protests against the coup regime - protests that have been continuing now for close to four months. With staged elections boycotted by the protesting Honduran people, tensions are mounting. Julie asks why. Julie Webb esta en Tegucigalpa, capital de Honduras donde hay protestas por cientos de milles de Hondurenos en contra del regimen golpista. El pueblo quieren boicotear las elecciones por su illegitimidad, y la represion y indicios de fraude en Noviembre 29. Entrevista 2. Sara Simone Lara 1.4Mb 96kbps. Estereo 2mins. |
Thu, 26 November 2009
4Mb. 96kbps. stereo 5mins 48 seconds
Spanish language. Dr. Diaz. Julie Webb in Tegucigalpa interviewing participants in protests against the coup regime - protests that have been continuing now for close to four months. With staged elections boycotted by the protesting Honduran people, tensions are mounting. Julie asks why. Julie Webb esta en Tegucigalpa, capital de Honduras donde hay protestas por cientos de milles de Hondurenos en contra del regimen golpista. El pueblo quieren boicotear las elecciones por su illegitimidad, y la represion y indicios de fraude en Noviembre 29. El primero de los entrevistados - Dr. Gerardo Diaz, contesta; como y porque esta en protesta contra el regimen y las elecciones falsas y fraudulentes. |
Thu, 26 November 2009
(Spanish Language). A series of recordings of the proceedings, and
interviews with participants of a Meso-American Forum, some sessions of
which were held in Nicaragua. Reported and recorded by Julie Webb of Scoop magazine who is currently in Honduras covering the farcical elections, and who will be reporting to community radio.
(Part 3 - draft reading of full declaration) (Grabaciones de los sucesos y participantes en el Foro MesoAmericano en los reuniones en Nicaragua. Reportajes por Julie Webb de la revista Scoop. Julie esta, en este momento en Honduras, haciendo reportajes y entrevistas sobre las elecciones falsas, de noviembre 29, promovidos por el regimen golpista). Part 3 Foro MesoAmericano Lectura Borrador (Draft Reading) 11.1 Mb. 96kbps. Estereo 16minutes 16 seconds |
Thu, 26 November 2009
(Spanish Language). A series of recordings of the proceedings, and
interviews with participants of a Meso-American Forum, some sessions of
which were held in Nicaragua. Reported and recorded by Julie Webb of Scoop magazine who is currently in Honduras covering the farcical elections, and who will be reporting to community radio.
(Grabaciones de los sucesos y participantes en el Foro MesoAmericano en los reuniones en Nicaragua. Reportajes por Julie Webb de la revista Scoop. Julie esta, en este momento en Honduras, haciendo reportajes y entrevistas sobre las elecciones falsas, de noviembre 29, promovidos por el regimen golpista). Part 2 Foro MesoAmericano Declaracion Frontera (Frontier Declaration) 2Mb. 96kbps stereo 3minutes |
Thu, 26 November 2009
(Spanish Language). A series of recordings of the proceedings, and
interviews with participants of a Meso-American Forum, some sessions of
which were held in Nicaragua. Reported and recorded by Julie Webb of Scoop magazine who is currently in Honduras covering the farcical elections, and who will be reporting to community radio.
(Grabaciones de los sucesos y participantes en el Foro MesoAmericano en los reuniones en Nicaragua. Reportajes por Julie Webb de la revista Scoop. Julie esta, en este momento en Honduras, haciendo reportajes y entrevistas sobre las elecciones falsas, de noviembre 29, promovidos por el regimen golpista). Part 1 Foro MesoAmericano Bertha Caceres. Activista en los Derechos Humanos en Honduras 7 Mb 96kbps stereo 10 mins 41segundos |
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