Wed, 3 November 2010
Latin American Conference Part 5. - FMLN representative, Dr. Guillermo Mata Bennett. El Salvador, Health, and popular power.
22.3 Mb 128 kbps mono 24 minutes 21seconds. Spanish with simultaneous translation into English. Dr. Mata Bennett, FMLN representative in the Salvadoran Assembly talks to the Latin American Solidarity Conference in Sydney via Skype video-conferencing. He talks about the gains made, as well as the problems faced by the FMLN's social programs, particularly in the field of health. He responds to questions from the audience, including the question of how the problem of organised criminal gangs is approached through drug rehabilitation programs. (Picture: Video conference with San Salvador in Sydney) |
Wed, 3 November 2010
Latin American Conference - Confronting Global Corporatism. Pt. 4 Nelson Davila, Venezuelan Ambassador. Social Missions in Venezuela
28Mb 128kbps mono 31 minutes 5 seconds Nelson Davila, Ambassador of Venezuela to Australia talks about the role of the 'social missions' in Venezuela, the current political situation in Venezuela, post election, and the ongoing contest with the international media campaign against his country. (Picture: Venezuelan Ambassador Nelson Davila fields a question) |
Mon, 1 November 2010
5.2 Mb 128 kbps. 5minutes 42 seconds Joining Julie on the ship to Gaza is young Palestinian medical student in Greece, Housam Naim. He tells Julie about his family and life in Gaza under the Israeli occupation. |
Mon, 1 November 2010
22Mb 192kbps stereo 16 minutes. Kevin Ovendon, addressing the Gaza convoy volunteers makes additional remarks on George Galloway's rousing speech.
Mon, 1 November 2010
52.3Mb. 256kbps stereo 28minutes 6 seconds Julie Webb (now in Gaza) records George Galloway's words to the members of the brigade taking humanitarian supplies to Gaza to defeat the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian people. (Simultaneous translation to Arabic)
Fri, 29 October 2010
16 Mb. 128 kbps mono 17 minutes 17 seconds
Julie Webb, journalist with Scoop online magazine is part of the team taking humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza in an attempt to break the Israeli blockade against the beleaguered Palestinians. She reports on her meetings with President of Hamas, the Prime Minister and the Foreign minister, and the shocking damage inflicted on the people of Palestine by the Israelis. |
Mon, 25 October 2010
Latin American Conference - confronting Corporate Globalism - 3. Honduras. Santiago Reyes, representative in Australia of FNRP (Honduras Resistance Front)
26 Mb. 28 kbps mono 28 minutes 33 seconds (Spanish with English translation) Santiago Reyes is the Australian representative of the FNRP, or Honduras' National Front for Popular Resistance. In his presentation he talks about the background of last year's coup against popular President Mel Zelaya, and the real reasons for the unprecedent rise of the Resistance Front and its unsurpassed militancy, while yet sustaining a consistent policy of non violence in their resistance. He talks of the pattern of open US intervention, the rise of human rights violations under the administration of the coup regime and the efforts of the US to have Honduras readmitted to the Organisation of American States in spite of continuing non-recognition of the regime from most of the international community. The future course of the FNRP hinged on three major points. One, the return of Mel Zelaya, two, no negotiation with the Porfirio Lobo regime, and the creation of a Constituent Assembly for constitutional reform on its own terms.
Mon, 25 October 2010
Latin American Conference - confronting Corporate Globalism - 2. Cuba. Reinaldo García Perera, cónsul general en Australia (English)
21.1 Mb. 128 kbps mono 23 minutes
Reinaldo Perera, Cuban Consul on the US blockade against his country and other challenges. He responds to questions about the role of Barack Obama. |
Mon, 25 October 2010
19.2 Mb. 128 kbps mono 21 minutes Alina Sullcani from Bolivia was guest speaker at the Latin American Solidarity Conference held in Sydney October 16; "Challenging Global Corporatism". Alina is the leader of the National Federation of Indigenous Bolivian Campesino Women "Bartolina Sisa" and a member of the 'Movement for Socialism'. She spoke of what it meant to have an indigenous President of Bolivia for the first time in history, the political struggle to gain that indigenous representation, and the nature of future struggles to protect and defend the benefits of popular power. |
Mon, 4 October 2010
4.16 Mb. mono 10 minutes. Julie Webb is on a boatload of supplies to Gaza to break the Israeli blockade. Last year Israeli commandos boarded a ship with humanitarian aid to Gaza against international law. There were casualties. This year a range of humanitarian organisations have organised other ships to try again. Julie, a New Zealand journalist, volunteered. Here is her report of the first stage of the trip. (Photo Housam Nail, Gazan medical student studying medicine in Saloniki) |
Tue, 14 September 2010
20.8 Mb. 50 - 100 VBR stereo 21 minutes 45 seconds Although he is barely 15 Wilson plays traditional Bolivian and Andean music like a master. Recently he was passing through Nimbin and dropped into the studios of Community Radio 2NimFM and gave us a demonstration of the musical life of the Andes, and with his mother shares some great anecdotes of his time there. His web page, with music and art work can be found here:
Thu, 2 September 2010
3.6 Mb. mono 5 minutes 42 seconds (Spanish) Dick Emanuelsson reporting from Honduras. Dick describes how the right attempts to subvert journalism to 'intelligence' activities, either through subornation, or intimidation. Independent journalism is seen as a threat to the right. He describes his experience in Colombia in 2005 when he was persuaded to leave after constant threats from the Colombian intelligence agencies, and recent pressures on him in Honduras after a visiting Colombian delegation to the post coup 'government' of Honduras. Periodista Dick Emanuelsson explica como las fuerzas de seguridad de Colombia le 'presiono' a salir del pais en 2005. Ahora esta resistiendo presiones del gobierno golpista de Honduras despues una visita a Honduras de una delegacion Colombiano de las fuerzas de 'seguridad'.
Thu, 2 September 2010
4.6 Mb. mono 10 minutes, 12 seconds El destacado periodista Dick Emanuelsson habla con radio communitario como sobrevivir como periodista en Honduras bajo el regimen golpista. Renown journalist tells community radio how he survives as a journalist in Honduras, under the control of the coup regime. |
Wed, 25 August 2010
Santiago Reyes habla sobre el FNRP en Australia sobre las violaciones de derechos humanos y violencia por parte del 'gobierno' de facto de Honduras en la semana de crecimiento de violencia en contra de la huelga de Maestros en Honduras. Santiago Reyes speaks for the FNRP in Australia about the new round of repression, even as the post coup government renews attempt to be accepted into the Organisation of American States in spite of failing to accept the condition of accepting the norms of human rights.
Mon, 16 August 2010
11.47 Mb variable bitrate 50 -- 110 kbps, mono 19 minutes 47 seconds.
Julie Webb, New Zealand journalist has put herself on the line to join the next flotilla determined to frustrate the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. Julie is adamant that the aid to Gaza is purely humanitarian, but the Israeli State views any assistance to their illegal occupation to Gaza as a threat to their regional hegemony requiring military reprisal. The last 'peace ships' were boarded illegally by Israeli commandos. Julie will keep us posted on this bold voyage to assist a beleaguered people. |
Sun, 15 August 2010
7.15 Mb 128 kbps mono 7 minutes 50 seconds. Toni Solo analyses what is happening within the FNRP (The Honduras Resistance Front), and drive to allow exiled ex-President Zelaya back inside the country - move that the coup regime has strongly resisted. |
Sun, 15 August 2010
9 Mb. 128 kbps mono 9 minutes 34 seconds. Toni Solo speaks with community radio 2NimFM and Latin Radical about the reasons for the teachers strike and mobilisation this week in the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, after the Special Forces Cobra squad entered the University, firing over 60 tear gas canisters. Teachers are calling on the resignation of the Rector of the University, and there is a possibility that this week's mobilisation by the teachers could lead to a general strike. |
Thu, 22 July 2010
40Mb. 129kbps mono 2hrs 52mins 16secs. Ricardo Valenzuela, a minister in the government of deposed President Zelaya of Honduras spoke for two hours on public radio last April in San Pedro de Sula. During the interview he quoted from documents which he said had been mislaid by the coup plotters, which laid out in detail the plans for the coup, and a note to the US Ambassador. During the interview he jokingly said "This will probably get me killed". Two months later he was; shot in bar restaurant by a gunman who is still at liberty.
Ricardo Valenzuela, ex-ministro del gobierno de Mel Zelaya hablaba en una entrevista de dos horas en Radio San Pedro Sula sobre pruebas documentales de la planificacion del golpe de estado contra ex-Presidente Mel Zelaya. En la entrevista dijo en broma "algo me puede pasar cuando salgo del radio". Dos meses fue assasenido en el bar de un hotel. Su asesino queda libre. |
Wed, 21 July 2010
In the first months of the brutal coup in Honduras on June 28 last year over two million Hondurans came out on the streets in protest, largely ignored by the mainstream media.
Katia Lara and Carlos del Valle grabbed their cameras and started shooting. Soldiers were firing live rounds into the crowds on the Tegucigalpa streets. A year later Katia Lara (working in exile) has released a devastating documentary. The first Australian showing (with English subtitles) will be here in Nimbin at Djanbung Gardens on Friday 23rd of July. Warming soup and hot drinks available from 6 pm for a 7 pm screening.
(Admission will be by donation to cover costs and to send donations to the Resistance Front in Honduras)
Category:Latin Radical
-- posted at: 2:33pm AEDT
Sun, 27 June 2010
11.6 Mb. 128 kbps. mono 12 minutes 42 seconds.
Steven Schnoor, documentary maker ( and researcher has won a $10000 lawsuit for defamation against a former Canadian Ambassador to Guatemala for defamation. Steven filmed the eviction of a Guatemalan indigenous community from their land to make way for a large Canadian mining enterprise. The Canadian Ambassador on several occasions told organisations investigating the incident that the documentary was 'staged' and the woman central to the events was a hired actress. Canadian mining companies have been involved in a number of incidents in Central America and southern Mexico involving forced evictions and selective assassinations of community leaders trying to block the incursions of Canadian mining companies with a questionable record of environmental practices.
Sat, 5 June 2010
4Mb. 128kbps mono 4 minutes 26 seconds (Espanol/Spanish language)
Aron, locutor de Radio Zacate explique la situacion de Radio Zacate, que fue rodeado por 300 effectivos armados del Gobierno Golpista de Honduras. Existe un pequeno movimiento de campesinos resistiendo su desalojamiento de terrenos reclamados con poco legalidad por el terrateniente billionario Miguel Facusse. El Radio Communitario solo dio voz a los campesinos en resistencia. Por eso esta cerrado y segregado como 'sitio de un crimen' por los 300 policias y agentes de seguridad. La communidad esta rebiendo fuerte apoyo por la Comision de Derechos Humanos de Honduras, y el FNRP, y estableciendo un planton alredor el Radio. Aron habla con Radio Communitario 2NimFM en Australia.
Sat, 29 May 2010
11Mb. 128 kbps. mono 12 minutes
The voices of the evictees Los voces de los mismos desplazados:
El martes seis y miércoles siete de abril, el mal gobierno de la ciudad de México publico en su Gaceta Oficial, el decreto, por medio del cual ordena el despojo de las casas de las y los pobres a los que desprecia y reprime, para dar paso a la construcción de la supervía poniente. En el mismo sentido el martes veinte del presente mes y año publicó el decreto de declaratoria de La loma como Área Natural Protegida, ANP argumentando en uno de sus considerandos la declaratoria de necesidad publicada el pasado once de diciembre del año 2009, donde se anunció la obra en cuestión, y en el artículo octavo del decreto de declaratoria de la Loma como ANP, expone que: “podrá realizarse una vialidad subterránea” por debajo de La Loma. |
Sat, 29 May 2010
19.3 Mb. 128 kbps mono 22 minutes Spanish Language (Espanol) Luis Miguel Cano, Lawyer, addresses residents of several poor 'barrios' (suburbs) of the Mexican Federal District (most of Mexico City) who have been given two weeks to get out, with just a few weeks of rent in compensation, to make way for a ring road, and a subterranean tunnel under one of the few nature reserves remaining in the Federal District. The Mexican government handed this project over to private enterprise last year, when much of their own funding 'went missing'. Residents are being hounded out of homes that have been in the family for 50 years, with no alternative accommodation made available. Luis Miguel Cano, a Mexican lawyer who is challenging the legality of the forced evictions addresses local residents determined to resist, laying out the options, the tactics and steps to be taken to resist.
El martes seis y miércoles siete de abril, el mal gobierno de la ciudad de México publico en su Gaceta Oficial, el decreto, por medio del cual ordena el despojo de las casas de las y los pobres a los que desprecia y reprime, para dar paso a la construcción de la supervía poniente. En el mismo sentido el martes veinte del presente mes y año publicó el decreto de declaratoria de La loma como Área Natural Protegida, ANP argumentando en uno de sus considerandos la declaratoria de necesidad publicada el pasado once de diciembre del año 2009, donde se anunció la obra en cuestión, y en el artículo octavo del decreto de declaratoria de la Loma como ANP, expone que: “podrá realizarse una vialidad subterránea” por debajo de La Loma. Las cuatro ruedas del capitalismo: despojo, represión, desprecio y explotación se han echado a andar en forma contundente contra las y los pobres del Sur Poniente de la ciudad de México. Para ello, el mal gobierno de la Ciudad se ha amancebado con el gran capital que desea esta obra. El despojo del derecho a la vivienda y a una vida digna y la privatización de los espacios públicos en la ciudad, no son en lo absoluto parte de una política de izquierda, sino una práctica del más rancio neoliberalismo de derecha. |
Sun, 23 May 2010
19.3 Mb 128kbps mono 21minutes 11 seconds Luis Aguilar, a member of the activist movement 'Los Necios' in Honduras updates us on the situation there for community radio. Luis is part of a team that is developing Honduras' independent media outlet Resistencia Honduras which will be the voice for the FNRP, or Popular National Resistance Front of Honduras. Luis talks about the latest selective assassinations of activists, the 'dirty tricks' being utilised to displace the peasant communities of Bajo Aguan in the latest land grab, and the subtle pressures being exerted on the few sectors of the media that remains critical of the coup regime. While the eyes of the world are on the situation in Thailand the Honduras Resistance continues, and is slowly gathering greater strength.
Fri, 7 May 2010
7.2Mb 64kbps mono 15 minutes 26 seconds. Toni Solo of tortillaconsal gets behind the media facade and explains some of the subtleties of the situation in Central America. The growing success of the Sandinista party and President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, in spite of US hostility, the potential of a new elected Costa Rican President after decades of the established figurehead Arias, and the surprising and paradoxical role of the Salvadoran President in the fraught relationship with the coup regime in Honduras, and the contentious recognition of the newly inaugurated President there. |
Fri, 7 May 2010
11.5 Mb. 128 kbps mono 24 minutes 35 seconds. Entire interview with Tamar Sharabi. Tamar Sharabi had been working in Honduras on projects involving sustainability and water for several years when she was witness to the effects of the coup in Honduras at the end of June last year and turned to working on a media project. As a media worker she was directly affected by the heavy repression and was witness to the numerous human rights violations of the coup regime. She has much to say about the particular effects of domination of Honduras a by a small elite on the situation of women, and how resistance to the coup and the coup regime has led to new levels of self empowerment. |
Fri, 7 May 2010
13Mb. 128 kbps. mono 21 minutes 31 seconds Singer Karla Lara had just completed a tour of the US when she did this interview for community radio. She tells how she began singing at the age of 16 when she was invited to work with the Salvadoran guerilla band Cutumay Camones and how the New Song movement sweeping Latin America informed her political commitment and her life as an activist. Karla is touring to bring attention to the situation in Honduras where a regime that resulted from a coup last year is responsible for continuing gross human rights violations. |
Tue, 27 April 2010
2.6 Mb. 128 kbps mono 4 minutes 35 seconds
Honduran native Karla Lara broke into the music scene in 1986 as a singer in the popular group "Rascaniguas" and later with the famous Salvadoran group "Cutumay Camones" that accompanied the political struggle during that country’s brutal civil war. She returned to Honduras to join bands intending to harness music as a form of rebellion, where she was a founding member of "Doble-Via" and "Trovason".
To speak of Karla Lara is to tell the story of many women, or maybe that is only the intention: that many women can see their reflection in her songs, in the harshness of their reality in contrast with the hope and joy that a woman can fight for her rights.
Karla is part of an extensive and diverse movement of young Honduran musicians that believes in the need to create Honduran music with its own history, own rhythm, and pride of being part of a new generation that builds dignity in the country.
In December 2004, she presented her first album, Donde andar, which brings together many of the issues that she has supported and sung about for years. From that date, her music has brought her to various other venues, from unknown villages in Honduras to Copenhagen, Denmark.
In December 2008 she recorded her second album, Antes del Puente, "an album that will help to build identity, to allow ourselves to feel, through stories, clichés and characters of our country, a sense of belonging, which we believe makes the difference in how you design your participation in the construction of a different kind of citizenship."
She is currently part of the first Central American feminist band, CantArte Vida, that has given concerts in Guatemala and Honduras.
Sun, 25 April 2010
14.5 Mb. 128 kbps mono 16 minutes. Lainie Cassel, media researcher and freelance journalist who has spent over a year in Venezuela talks about effective aid projects in the South Bronx, fuelled by the Venezuelan State run petrol company CITGO. Details of the project can be found in Lainie's article here, as published in "Upside Down World" |
Sun, 25 April 2010
15.6 Mb. 128 kbps mono 17 minutes 6 seconds. Spanish Political science lecturer Jorge Farinas Molina talks with Julie Webb about the details of the Cuban political system.
Ex-profesor de Sciencia Politica, Jorge Farina Molina explique detallademente como funciona la systema politica Cubana. |
Sun, 25 April 2010
2.26 Mb. 128 kbps. mono 2minutes 28 seconds. (Spanish)
Johnny Rivas discusses the outcome of his discussions (as representative of the peasant movement MUCA) Honduras' 'President' Pepe Lobo. Some concessions have been made, with some of the disputed land being returned to the control of the peasants, but the communities are still threatened with a large military presence in the region, and it remains to be seen whether millionaire land grabbing business man Facusse, will comply Representante de la MUCA, Johnny Rivas habla sobre los resultados de sus discusiones con el de facto Presidente de Honduras, Porphirio Lobo Sosa. Dice que hay algunas concesiones de terrenno, pero la presencia militar queda. Los 'concesiones' seran votado por los campesinos del MUCA esta semana. |
Sun, 18 April 2010
3.2 Mb. 128 kbps. mono 3minutes 30 seconds (Spanish Language) (note: sound quality is poor) Johnny Rivas, spokesperson for the MUCA (peasant union) is meeting with the 'de facto' President of Honduras 'Pepe Lobo' to ask him why the campesino cooperatives of Bajo Aguan are being surrounded by some 3,000 military personnel and police. Peasants are reclaiming land that was illegally acquired during the late 1990s with leases that expired in 2005. Three of the richest men in Honduras are trying to claw back the land to be turned over to Palm oil production, using threats, intimidation and paramilitary assassins. Already 5 peasant leaders have been murdered. Nevertheless, Johnny says morale in the campesino community is high.
Johnny Rivas, representante de la MUCA va reunirse con el 'Presidente' Pepe Lobo para preguntarle porque las communidades campesinas de Bajo Aguan estan rodeadas por mas de 2000 effectivos del gobierno. Los campesinos estan reclamando terreno agarrado illegalemente por unos tres 'bisneros' mas ricos de Honduras. Ya han assesinado 5 dirigentes campesinos para intimidar las communidades. Sin embargo, Johnny dice que el espiritu de los campesinos es alto.
Wed, 14 April 2010
18.1 Mb. 128kbps mono 19 minutes 48 seconds Spanish with English commentary Julie Webb, correspondent for Scoop has been given access to the Cuban electoral process and is an accredited observer. She interviews Valentin Graupier whose nomination as a candidate was successfully contested at a local election meeting. A remarkable insight into the grass roots nature of the democratic process in Cuba, where a general election is coming up in a few months. |
Wed, 31 March 2010
8Mb. 128 kbps mono 8 minutes 40 seconds Ian Diaz talks with Australian community radio from Honduras with reports from Honduras and the efforts of the young people of Honduras to resist the attempts by the Honduras coup regime to crush resistance with a long string of Human Rights violations and intimidation of the FNRP (the Honduras anti-coup regime resistance) that is supported by a majority of the Honduras people.
Direct download: rec_ian.g.diaz_28_Mar_2010_13_15_22.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 11:40am AEDT |
Tue, 16 March 2010
14.6 Mb. 128 kbps mono 16 minutes Jose Teixeira, Fretilin parliamentarian talks about the many controversies concerning the PNTL (National Police of East Timor), its role, relationship with the UN police forces, and its shortcomings. |
Tue, 16 March 2010
10.7 Mb. 128 kbps mono 11 minutes 47 seconds. Angelita Pires, lover of Reynaido, rebel leader who was killed during an alleged assassination attempt against President Jose Ramos Horta. Horta precipitately presumed that Angela was one of the intellectual authors of the alleged attempt, but many disagreed, especially Rob Wesley Smith who knew Angela as a young girl growing up in Darwin as the member of a refugee family. Community radio asked Wes what he felt about the 'exoneration' of Angelita, after her two years virtually under house arrest, in the judgement handed down a few weeks ago. |
Sun, 14 March 2010
5Mb 128 kbps 5 minutes 18 seconds
Maybe it's the armed forces culture, and maybe it's just political hypocrisy, when Australian government officials deny (as they have done in the past) that Australian peacekeeping forces in Timor Leste are playing a political role (when they are not playing football with the kids - good image, that ... ).
In the last election campaign in Timor Leste Australian troops ripped down Fretilin flags ('accidentally' they said later) and at one point tried to interrupt a cavalcade of the (then) Fretilin Prime Minister's entourage, threatening his security guards at gunpoint.
Australian troops are immune from prosecution under the 'peacekeeping' agreement. The Australian government is allowed 'deniability' of what Australian troops 'do'. But when an Australian military jeep ran down and killed a Timorese pedestrian woman has responsibility, and therefore compensation to the family of that woman has been evaded to a degree that resembles denial.
The Australian military presence in Timor Leste has always been hidden behind the Australian government's 'deniability' Especially behind that insidious little clause that disallows local prosecution of travesties of justice committed by 'peacekeeping' forces.
This interview is important, Let us all hear, and listen. How responsible are Australian troops in Timor Leste to official government policy?
Direct download: JuvinalISF12_Mar_2010.mp3 Category: Latin Radical -- posted at: 10:24 PM
Posted in Timor Leste |
Tue, 2 March 2010
4.5 Mb 128 kbps mono 4 minutes 52 seconds. David Rowe talks about a revolutionary concept to provide a cheap (virtually free) digital telephony netwwork for remote communities in Timor Leste |
Tue, 2 March 2010
8.2 128kbps mono 9 minutes Ricardo Salgado talks about the significance of the results of the Rio Summit to his own country Honduras. He also elaborates on the growing rate of Human Rights violations under the new 'President' Porfirio Lobo, disguised by a new technique of selective assassinations and terrorisation. |
Tue, 2 March 2010
44Mb 256 kbps stereo 24 minutes. Mariela Castro habla con Julie Webb sobre su tarea como directora del Centro de Educacion Sexual en Cuba. En Cuba se han desarollado programas para mejorar los derechos de los 'lesbi-gay' incluso el derecho de convivir legalmente como pareja. Tambien han desarollado programas de salud y educacion y un 'hotline' para los afectados por la SIDA.
(Mariela Castro talks to Julie Webb in this fascinating interview about the latest developments in sexual education in Cuba which recognises the lesbi-gay community and certain rights. Mariela is the Director of the Centre for Sex Education in Cuba. Julie Webb is a correspondent for the on line magazine Scoop).
Direct download: aMarielCastroSexEducationFeb28.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 5:27am AEDT |
Tue, 2 March 2010
12.5 Mb 128 kbps mono 13 minutes 41 seconds Toni Solo of Tortilla con Sal comments on the historic decisions made in this year's summit of the Group of Rio and the Latin American summit in which the US and Canada were excluded from key meetings. Toni reports from Nicaragua, and what this historic summit means for the Central American region. |
Tue, 2 March 2010
5.3 Mb 128 kbps mono 5minutes 49 seconds
Toni Solo of Tortilla con Sal comments on the historic decisions made in this year's summit of the Group of Rio and the Latin American summit in which the US and Canada were excluded from key meetings. Toni reports from Nicaragua, and what this historic summit means for the Central American region. |
Tue, 2 March 2010
4.5 Mb 128 kbps mono 9 minutes 52 seconds Alexis Stamboulis of CISPES brings us the latest developments on the anti-mining actions in El Salvador, that in the past have resulted in deaths and political assassinations and intimidation of local communities. But it seems that a new government in El Salvador may be turning the tables, in spite of pressures from international institutions favoring the multi-national mining corporations. |
Tue, 2 March 2010
5.3 Mb 128 kbps 5minutes 30 seconds Victor Marillanca, representative of the Chilean Socialist Party in Australia discusses the somewhat paradoxical results of the Chilean elections last January. The Chilean Socialist party lost to a right wing President, yet there is strong representation and recognition by the new government of representatives with strongly held left wing views, which could lead to interesting developments in the relations between Chile and the other Latin American nations. |
Tue, 2 March 2010
12Mb 128 kbps mono 13 minutes Victor Marillanca, represenante del Partido Socialista de Chile en Australia habla sobre los resultos paradojicos de las elecciones de Chile en Enero, con un Presidente derechista, pero unos fuertes representantes de la izquierda - una bancada que puede resultar bien interesante en la region del Cono Sur. |
Fri, 19 February 2010
5.1 Mb. 64 kbps mono 11 minutes Karen Spring brings us an update on the Garifuna community in Honduras whose community radio station was burned down, and the situation in Honduras at the beginning of February, after the Presidential changeover. |
Fri, 19 February 2010
15Mb. 128 kbps mono 16 minutes 20 seconds. (Spanish/ en Espanol) Julie Webb was in Mexico to attend the booklaunch of a translation of the writings of Cuban leader of the revolutionary war of independence from Spain, Jose Marti, into the indigenous language, Nahautl, by an indigenous schoolteacher from Chiapas in southern Mexico. Nico Tototl is introduced by the Cuban Ambassador to Mexico, Manuel Aguillera de la Paz. A bonus to this event was a short statement by Antonio del Conde, the man who sold the boat The Granma to Fidel Castro whom he still remembers and admires. Julie Webb asistio en Mexico DF a la presentacion de un nuevo libro - una traduccion en la idioma indigena Nahautl de las obras de Jose Marti por el maestro indigena Nico Tototl. Presente con el, el Embajador Cubano Manuel Aguilera de la Paz y Antonio del Conde, el hombre quien vendio el barco Granma a Fidel Castro. (Foto de Nico Tototl, por Julie Webb) |
Sun, 31 January 2010
3.04 Mb. 64 kbps mono 6 minutes 39 seconds
Andres Conteris who has spent the last 4 months with President Mel Zelaya trapped inside the Brazilian Embassy saw the appointment of the coup regime's new de facto President, and 'Mel' Zelaya leave the country on January 27. Zelaya received a 'safe conduct' to fly to the Dominican Republic with a promise that he would 'be back'. Meanwhile the Resistance Front ignored the poorly attended changeover ceremony for the incoming 'President' while a crowd of 250,000 converged on the airport to see Mel Zelaya off in an act of support and solidarity.
Direct download: AndresConterisHonduras31_Jan_2010.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 7:33am AEDT |
Sun, 31 January 2010
14.7 Mb. 320 kbps mono 6 minutes 27 seconds
Juan Flores was awarded the Casa de las Americas 2009 Premio Extraordinario de Estudios Sobre Los Latinos en los Estados Unidos for his latest book Bugalú y otros guisos: ensayos sobre culturas latinas en Estados Unidos .
Short review: The Diaspora Strikes Back - The eminent ethnic and cultural studies scholar Juan Flores examines what happens to the home country when it is being constantly fed by emigrants returning from abroad. He looks at how 'Nuyoricans' (Puerto Rican New Yorkers) have transformed their home country, introducing hip hop and modern New York culture to the Caribbean island.
Juan Flores (Ph.D., German Studies, Yale University) is Professor of Latino Studies in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Dr. Flores’ teaching, research, and publications center on Puerto Rican Studies, social and cultural theory, popular music, theory of Diaspora and transnational communities, and Afro-Latino culture. His many publications include Divided Borders: Essays on Puerto Rican Identity (1993), Cortijo’s Wake (2004), and From Bomba to Hip-Hop: Puerto Rican Culture and Latino Identity (2000). His current projects include: Companion to Latino Studies (co-edited with Renato Rosaldo). He was recently awarded the Casa de las Americas Extraordinary Prize for studies on Latinos in the United States for his book Bugalu y otros guisos: ensayos sobre culturas latinas en Estados Unidos .
Fri, 29 January 2010
4.65 Mb 64 kbps mono 10 minutes 10 seconds Charles Scheiner, working in Timor Leste for the last ten years was present at the ceremony to begin the construction of the controversial Hera electricity generating plant. Now years behind completion it is supposed to provide Timor with a comprehensive, reliable electricity supply. But at what price? And is it what Timor really needs right now? |
Thu, 28 January 2010
12.1 Mb 256 kbps stereo 6 minutes 51 seconds. Karen Spring of Rights Action talks about the lead up to the changeover of the Presidency in Honduras. There is much speculation about the fate of the legally elected President whose term ends on January 27 and the position of the Resistance Front. Karen also reviews some aspects of the human rights situation in Honduras under the coup regime and the changeover of the Presidency. Karen has investigated the destruction of Gariifuna indigenous community radio station 'Coco Radio' and the people who are believed to be behind it. |
Thu, 28 January 2010
8.1 Mb. 128kbps mono 8 minutes 50 seconds Ricardo Salgado, community worker and researcher reports on the destruction of the community radio of the indigenous Garifuno people on the Caribbean coast of Honduras. Supporters of the coup want to turn indigenous community land to developers for tourism. Meanwhile, the rest of the country speculates on the fate of the legitimately elected President Zelaya (trapped inside the Brazilian Embassy for the last five months) when the de facto government assigns the presidency to Pepe Lobos, who won an election in November that was boycotted by the majority of the people and a legitimacy recognised by only a very few.
Thu, 28 January 2010
5.2 Mb 128 kbps 5 minutes 35 seconds Shona Hawkes has been working in Timor Leste for several years now with the La'o Hamutuk NGO. She talks about how the large scale projects budgeted with oil revenues is distorting the financing for the real needs of the country if it is to achieve sustainability in the future. (Poto: President of Timor Leste, Jose Ramos Horta at the opening of the controversial Hera Power Plant) |
Thu, 28 January 2010
15.3 Mb. 128 kbps 16minutes 45 seconds Robert ('Wes') Wesley Smith has been an activist for East Timorese independence since 1975. Recently (January 2010) he made one of his many visits and spent several weeks touring the countryside and promoting sustainable energy and agricultural practices. He is critical of some of the development policies of the current government. |
Mon, 11 January 2010
21.2 Mb 128 kbps. 23 minutes 23 minutes 15 seconds
Jim Dunn, former Consul in East Timor, human rights activist, researcher, and one of the last people to leave Dili before the Indonesian invasion in December 1975, recalls the characters and the incidents depicted in the film "Balibo" that he had met, and events experienced in real life.
Category:Latin Radical
-- posted at: 3:47pm AEDT
Mon, 11 January 2010
11Mb. mono 128 kbps 24 minutes.
Jim Dunne - on of the last to leave Dili on the last flight before the Indonesian invasions recalls the travesty of the execution of six Australian journalists in 1975 by invading Indonesian forces, a fact that was being denied by both Indonesian and Australian governments at the time. How to head off tragedy? - listen to experienced observer, James Dunne. |
Mon, 11 January 2010
Honduras - andre Conteris, Democracy Now with the legal President. Inside the Brazilian Embassy, Honduras
7Mb mono 128 kbps. mono 7 minutes 25 seconds.
Andres Conteris, journalist with Democracy Now has been holed up in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa with the legally elected President 'Mel' Zelaya since September 21. There is still a massive military presence outside the Embassy to prevent him from leaving. Andres gives us an update on the situation inside the Embassy after many difficult months, and the farcical, illegitimate elections held on November 29. Exclusive to Australian Community Radio - Community radio 2NimFm. |
Sat, 2 January 2010
8.9 Mb. 128 kbps. mono 9 minutes 41 seconds.
Lara Pullin of the Canberra Committee of the FMLN translated the statement of El Salvador's largest political party regarding the third death in a matter of weeks of individuals associated with the anti-mining movement. Lara talks about the responses available to the Salvadoran President, the government, FMLN as a party and above all the people of El Salvador to these vicious killings that are associated with the interests of a Canadian mining company, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement. |
Sat, 2 January 2010
10.6 Mb. 128 kbps. mono 11 minutes 40 seconds.
A third anti-mining activist has been assassinated. Just before Xmas an anti-mining activist was murdered. He was an important witness in the murder of another anti-mining activist last August. This week, the day after Xmas an eight months pregnant woman, also part of the anti-mining movement and a potential witness to the earlier murder was killed by gunmen. The Canadian mining company which was seeking mining rights and sueing the Salvadoran government for loss of profits is not commenting and has changed the email address and refusing to answer the phone in its Public Relations department. Alexis Stamboulis of CISPES talks to community radio about this latest outrage and the response of the Salvadoran people and their government. |
Community Radio